Private Commissions
Tell Your Story
Professional magazine articles, web site copy, white papers.
Raise the Bar
Polished consumer guides, reports, booklets, special sections.
Shine Your Brand
Books, ebooks, multimedia projects.
I am an independent writer, editor and speaker with extensive media experience in everything from magazines to web sites, books to broadcasting, consumer to trade publishing.
My company, Castle Media, produces writing and media projects on select private commissions, and assists on media and brand-building plans, content strategy and more.
My greatest rewards are learning and growing as a storyteller and earning the trust of my clients.
Luxury | Homes | Technology | Green & Healthy Buildings
Creative Brand Building
Magazines, books, web sites, video, podcasts, speeches
It’s all content
No matter the bits, bytes and types
Content is king
Its power is in our stories
They inspire emotional connections
I tell the stories of people and their passions.
Engaging audiences with compelling stories and valuable insights.

Virtuoso Performances
Blow-your-mind home entertainment wing with concert-quality theater, trattoria, nightclub and game center.
Commissioned by SH Acoustics

Great Escapes: New Designs for Home Theaters by Theo Kalomirakis
The book has been well-reviewed on Amazon and other sites.
The Energy Advantage